Lower your financial pressure and cut on your bills

If you’re still feeling the squeeze from a long and hard recession, you may be looking for a permanent solution to easing your financial pressures. While cutting bills and eliminating debt rarely happens in just a couple of steps, one of the best places to get started is with a look at your energy bills. And it’s more than just lowering the thermostat. Here’s how you can rest easy by freeing yourself from the increasing worries over rising energy costs.

In order to cut down on your energy expenses, you should first take a look at your actual bill and contact your company to see if you can get a lower rate. If you aren’t successful in your negotiations, now may be the perfect time to compare energy prices from other companies and make a switch. Other options include inquiring about special payment schedules to make sure that you don’t get behind on your energy bills.

However, there is only so much that you can do working with your energy company. Once you have done all that you can to get your rates lowered, it will be time to look at how you can save money on energy by using less of it. This is the most effective way to cut your bills because it all depends on you.

One of the most efficient ways to lower the amount of energy you are using at home is to reinforce your insulation. Most homes don’t come with enough insulation to make heating and cooling efficient, so the simple purchase and installation of fiberglass or cellulose insulation can help you save a significant amount of money. For example, putting more insulation in the attic or loft of your home can help you save more than £150 each year.

And speaking of heating and cooling, there are other, much simpler changes that you can make to save money. For example, adjusting your thermostat by a single degree can cut take a tenth of the total off of your energy bill. And if you invest in an inexpensive yet money-saving programmable thermostat, you won’t even have to remind yourself to turn the temperature up or down.

Looking toward bigger investments in energy efficiency, you should also plan financially for the purchase of new major appliances, especially in the kitchen and the laundry. While buying a new refrigerator or clothes dryer can be a hefty upfront cost, the newest models on the market are much more efficient that older ones, meaning that you could actually save money by spending money. If you opt for an AAA-rated product, for example, you can save more than £40 over the course of a year.

From your quest to compare electricity prices to implementing smarter, more efficient energy habits around the home, these little steps should add up to big savings. And it’s never too early to start. Get a handle on your electricity and natural gas costs by taking action today.

By Tobias

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